
District 1 voting is located at Mountain View Chapel - 68 Old Douglass Drive, Douglassville

District 2 voting is located at the Township Building - 1068 Douglass Drive, Boyertown

Not sure what voting district you are in? View the map attached here:  

Abandoned Vehicles

Automobiles and other vehicles kept on residential property must have a valid license and inspection sticker and must be maintained in legal operating condition.

Reflective House Numbers

The Douglass Township Police Department requests that all properties in the Township are identified with reflective house numbers. In time of an emergency, whether it be police, fire or ambulance, it has been difficult to locate some homes since the house numbers are not clearly visible. The requested signs are reflective blue and are either installed on your mailbox post, or on a post next to your driveway. They are 18" high x 6" wide, with white letters that are 3" high.

Amity Fire Company, which serves a portion of Douglass Township, makes them as a fund raiser for $15.00.You can download the form and send it to Amity, or drop it off at the Douglass Township Office. The order form can be found on the website in the forms section.

Tenant Registration

Township Ordinance requires all landlords or owners of buildings or land used for dwelling purposes by persons other than the owner's immediate family, to notify the Township on an annual basis on forms provided by the Township, which are available on the website.

Subdivision and Land Development

The Township has an Ordinance regulating the subdivision of land, adjustments of lot lines, and development of lots for multi-family or non residential uses. Plans are subject to review by the Planning Commission and approval by the Board of Supervisors.


Domestic burning is allowed in Douglass Township with the following conditions: Burning shall be contained in a proper steel burning container, no larger than 55 gallons with ventilation holes and an open top which during burning is covered with a steel spark-arresting screen. Burning must be attended at all times and not conducted within 25 feet of any structure or road, or within 5 feet of any other combustible material. All fires must be completely extinguished before sunset.

Vacation Notices

If you are planning on going away on vacation and your house will be unoccupied, you can notify the Township Police Department who will keep an extra "eye" on your house. Forms can be found on the website.

Snow Removal

1. Wait until the snowplows have made two or three passes before clearing the snow from the end of your driveway.

2. Shovel snow to the right side of your drive way (when facing the street) this will keep the snow you have already shoveled from being pushed back into your driveway area when the plow passes.

3. Remove any vehicles from the street to allow for proper plowing.


Douglass Township follows the Uniform Construction Code. If you plan on any type of changes or updates to your property, we encourage you to contact the Township office for questions regarding the permitting process. Permit applications can be obtained at the Township office, or found on the website.


The Berks County Solid Waste Authority's mission is to manage solid waste and recyclable materials in an environmentally safe, reliable and efficient manner. Check out their website: for their extensive recycling program which includes hazardous household waste, pharmaceutical collection, tires, electronics, shredding events and centers for plastic, aluminum, glass, paper and cardboard recycling open to all Berks County residents.