Live, work, or play in Douglass Township?

We want to hear from you!

Douglass Township is updating our comprehensive plan together with Amity Township, Exeter Township, and St. Lawrence Borough. Working with Boyertown Area, Exeter Township, and Daniel Boone School Districts, with assistance from Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development and Berks County Planning Commission, the plan will outline community challenges, identify solutions, and provide the framework that guides appointed and elected officials on planning-related decisions throughout the four municipalities.

Please consider adding your voice! Your participation will make the community even stronger!

Please visit:

SEAD Joint Comprehensive Plan Community Survey

2025 Proposed Budget

Review our 2025 Proposed budget here: 

Pay Your Sewer Bill Online

Douglass Township now accepts credit/debit cards for payment of sewer bills.

Pay Here!

AQUA Well Drilling

The Township was notified that AQUA has drilled a water production well at 1491 Chestnut Grove Rd in Upper Pottsgrove Township. Residents in Douglass Township who are near the drilled well will have the opportunity to have their well monitored during the testing stages. The area of the Douglass Township homes that may be impacted are Levengood Road and Colebrookdale Road. For more information, please contact:

William Gordon, AQUA PA at 610-551-2594 or

William Richardson, Geologist, Read & Associates, LLC at 610-682-4207 or

A Medication Drop Box is now available at the Township Building.

A Medication Drop Box is now available at the Township Building.

Click here for more info:Medication Drop Box.pdf

Internet Purchase Exchange Location

Internet Purchase Exchange Location

With the increased popularity of online purchases through yard sale sites such as Facebook and Craigslist, Douglass Township is pleased to provide a safe location for your exchanges. Please feel free to use the parking lot at the Township Building (1068 Douglass Drive) for your exchanges. Our parking lot is under 24 hour camera surveillance.

Douglass Township Code Enforcement Complaint Form

We are on Facebook

Follow our Facebook page, click here.